✿ Covid-19

Things need to happen a little differently for now so we can ensure all members and helpers are safe.

At St Mary's Church only helpers (currently we have enough but will let you know when extra are needed) will be allowed inside the church. Helpers who are handling food and packaging will be expected to wash hands as required by current guidelines, spending at least 20 seconds using soap and water, then drying thoroughly. Hands must be washed prior to carrying in boxes AND prior to sharing out food into bags/boxes.

The cleaning and drying of tables and all other surfaces being used will be done on arrival and before departure.

All food received will be shared into bags/boxes in advance for all members and then placed on tables inside the porch, outside the church for members to collect, or placed directly into a car boot. Any chilled foods will be kept in the fridge and will be placed into the bag/box at collection. Delivery can be arranged where members are self-isolating - please just let us know what works best for you.

FareShare food handling is explained HERE.